Burlington Vermont Chapter – Catholic Schoolhouse

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No too long ago, as my children cleaned the basement, they burst out in spontaneous song singing “The Renaissance timeline” together.  This happy parenting moment reminded me of the gift I have been given in our Catholic Schoolhouse Chapter.  Our whole family has benefited immensely.  My 4 year old proudly talks about “St. Ignatius of Loyola,” my 11 and 13 year old recently memorized and recited “In the Bleak Midwinter” by Christina Rossetti for their dialectic class, and my 7 and 9 year old await chapter day with eager anticipation and diligently practice memory work in preparation for class competitions.  Even my 2 year old benefits from the materials provided at the pre-grammar level and loves our chapter day! 

A little over 6 years ago, I felt called to explore faithful Catholic homeschooling community options for our family and I have been richly blessed in the training, resources and curriculum that Catholic Schoolhouse has provided.  They have walked with me step by step as I set out to lay the foundation for our Burlington, VT Chapter and this year we are blessed to be one of over 100 Catholic Schoolhouse chapters serving more than 800 families and 2000 students

Catholic Schoolhouse (CSH) is a non-profit organization supporting families like ours as
we seek to introduce our children to the True, the Good and the Beautiful with a firm foundation in the Catholic faith.
  CSH provides the resources and support we need to run a local chapter based on best practices and with an excellent core curriculum of memory work that supports, and can give structure to or complement our own private homeschooling curriculums.  It truly takes a community to educate a child and CSH provides an amazing blend of support, resources and activities best done in a group setting while respecting each homeschooling family’s autonomy. 

CSH supports our families by providing well-vetted curriculum; maintaining the national network where CSH families connect and share resources; and providing on-going training and support for the directors and tutors.  In order to provide this support while keeping membership rates affordable for families, We
would love your support! Please prayerfully consider supporting this great work
as a prayer partner, by a one-time donation of any amount, or by a regular monthly
gift through our giving site
at catholicschoolhouse.com . If you’d like to support our local chapter, click here for more information.

Your gift will bless both our local school community and the national non-profit organization, helping us continue to share our beautiful Catholic faith by reaching new families–both locally and nationwide.


The Lawson Family